Monday, January 6, 2014


One of the most important characteristics of an economist is its ability to abstract from reality in a complex environment and endless relationships amongst  actors, institutions, households and time. Therefore, quantitative methods help you to model or caricature the complex reality in models that express events forming consolidated theories. Furthermore, it allows quantifying the relations theories formalized taking as a starting point. Based on this assertion mathematics has become an important tool for the economist and evaluate this summer part of the book entitled entitled "An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis for Economic Theory and Econometrics, by Dean Corbae, Maxwell B. Stinchcombe, and Juraj Zeman, Princeton University Press, 2009.


Part 1 – Logic: Statements, Sets, Subsets and Implications; Statements and Their Truth Values; Proofs, a First Look; Logical Quantifiers; and, Taxonomy of Proofs.
References:  Corbae, Stinchcombe e Zeman (2009, chap. 1)

Part 2 – Set Theory: Products, Relations, Correspondences and Functions; Equivalence Relations; Optimal Choice for finite Sets; Direct and Inverse Images, Compositions; Weak and Partial Orders, Lattices; Monotonic Changes in Optima: Supermodularity and Lattices; Tarski’s Lattice Fixed-Point Theorem and Stable Matchings;  Finite and Infinite Sets; The Axiom of Choice and Some Equivalent Results; Revealed Preference and Rationalizability; and,  Superstructures;
References: Corbae, Stinchcombe e Zeman (2009, chap. 2) e Elon (2012, chap.1)

Part 3 – The Space of Real Numbers: Basic Properties of Rationals; Distance, Cauchy Sequences, and the Real Numbers; The Completeness of the Real Numbers; and, Supremum and Infimum;
References: Corbae, Stinchcombe e Zeman (2009, chap. 3) e Elon (2012, chap. 2)

Part 4 – The Finite-Dimensional Meric Space of Real Vectors:   The Basic Definitios for Metric Spaces; Discrete Spaces;  as a Normed Vector Space; Completeness; Closure, Convergence; and Completeness; Separability; Compactness in ; Continuous Function in   ; Lipschitz and Uniform Continuity; Correspondences ant the Theorem of the Maximum; Banach’s Contraction Mapping Theorem; and, Connectedness;
References: Corbae, Stinchcombe e Zeman (2009, chap. 4)

Part 5 – Finite-Dimensional Convex Analysis:    The Basic Geometry of Convexity; The Dual Space of ;  The three Degrees of Convex Separation; Strong Separation and Neoclassical Duality; Boundary Issues; Concave and Convex Functions;; Separations and the Hahn-Banach Theorem; Separation and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Theorem[1]; Interpreting Lagrange Multipliers; Differentiability and Concavity; Fixed-Point Theorems and General Equilibrium Theory; and, Fixed-Point Theorem for Nash Equilibria and Perfect Equilibria;
References: Corbae, Stinchcombe e Zeman (2009, chap. 5)

Part 6 – Metric Spaces: The Space of Compact Sets and the Theorem of the Maximum; Space of Continuous Functions; , the Space of Cumulative Distribution Functions; Approximation in    when    is compact; Regression Analysis as Approximation Theory; Countable Product Spaces and Sequence Spaces; Defining Functions Implicitly and by Estimation; The Metric Completion Theorem; and, The Lebesgue Measure Space;
References: Corbae, Stinchcombe e Zeman (2009, chap. 6)

CORBAE, D.; STINCHCOMBE, M.; ZEMAN, J.; An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis for Economic Theory and Econometrics, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 671p., 2009.
LIMA, E.; Análise Real – volume 1: Funções de uma Variável, 11ª edição, Rio de Janeiro: IMPA - Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, 198p., 2012


Three exams as follows: 
(i)                 20%  - itens 1 and 2;   February 07
(ii)               30% -  itens 1, 2, 3, and 4 (cumulative);  February 26, and
(iii)             50% -  itens 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (cumulativE);   March 19.

            The candidates could follow notes and exercises in this blog:


[1] We recognize Karush’s contribution on Theorem.

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