Friday, December 17, 2010

Item suggested by José H. FARO: Discover the Latest Developments in Economics with Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews, a non-profit publisher who offers comprehensive, timely review
articles written by leading scholars, announced in 2009 its new collection of three
economics journals. The Annual Review of Economics, Annual Review of Financial
Economics, and Annual Review of Resource Economics feature Nobel Laureates
and world-renowned economists as editors and authors. We have assembled the
best scholars in your disciplines to help you navigate through the latest research
and discover solutions to today's global economic challenges.

Get to know Annual Reviews with a free preview of prefatory chapters and
most-downloaded articles from these high-quality journals.

Annual Review of Economics
Co-Editors: Kenneth J. Arrow, Stanford University
Timothy F. Bresnahan, Stanford University

Introduction from the Editors
Annual Review of Economics, Volume 2, 2010
Kenneth J. Arrow and Timothy F. Bresnahan

Some Developments in Economic Theory Since 1940: An Eyewitness Account
Annual Review of Economics, Volume 1, 2009
Kenneth J. Arrow

The Experimental Approach to Development Economics
Annual Review of Economics, Volume 1, 2009
Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo

The Annual Review of Economics covers significant developments in the field of economics,
including macroeconomics and money; microeconomics, including economic psychology;
international economics; public finance; health economics; education; economic growth
and technological change; economic development; social economics; and more.

Annual Review of Financial Economics
Co-Editors: Andrew W. Lo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Robert C. Merton, Harvard University

Introduction from the Editors
Annual Review of Financial Economics, Volume 2, 2010
Andrew W. Lo and Robert C. Merton

Portfolio Theory: As I Still See It
Annual Review of Financial Economics, Volume 2, 2010
Harry M. Markowitz

Consumer Finance
Annual Review of Financial Economics, Volume 1, 2009
Peter Tufano

The Annual Review of Financial Economics provides comprehensive, forward-looking, and
critical reviews of the most significant theoretical, empirical, and experimental developments
in financial economics, including the fields of capital markets, corporate finance, financial
institutions, market microstructure, and behavioral and experimental finance.

Annual Review of Resource Economics
Editor: Gordon C. Rausser, University of California, Berkeley

Introduction from the Editors
Annual Review of Resource Economics, Volume 2, 2010
Gordon C. Rausser, V. Kerry Smith, and David Zilberman

On the Increasing Role of Economic Research in Management of Resources and
Protection of the Environment
Annual Review of Resource Economics, Volume 2, 2010
William J. Baumol

The Economics of Genetically Modified Crops
Annual Review of Resource Economics, Volume 1, 2009
Matin Qaim

The Annual Review of Resource Economics provides authoritative, critical reviews
evaluating the most significant research developments in resource economics, focusing
on agricultural economics, environmental economics, renewable resources, and
exhaustible resources.

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Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews 
A Nonprofit Scientific Publisher
4139 El Camino Way
Palo Alto, CA 94306

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